Chris Pressey

Underwater robots help Great Lakes scientists collect data during pandemic

robotic glider
By Sarah Scheili University of Windsor. While COVID restrictions have made scientific fieldwork in the Great Lakes difficult, researchers at the University of Windsor have continued to gather vital data using an underwater robot. Researchers at the Real-Time Aquatic Ecosystem Observation Network (RAEON) have worked with partner institutions in the United States to deploy an AUV— an autonomous underwater vehicle.
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Tracking more than 30 years of phytoplankton blooms in Lake Winnipeg

phytoplankton Lake Winnipeg —one of North America’s Great Lakes — recently has been labeled one of the most threatened lakes in the world because of increased phytoplankton productivity. Many stressors are triggering these alterations in phytoplankton productivity, including climate change. But to separate climate change from natural variability is challenging and requires a large data set with more than three decades of continuous phytoplankton data.…
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Atlantic salmon restoration in Lake Ontario

Atlantic salmon in a swim tank`

Atlantic salmon were historically abundant in Lake Ontario, but their populations disappeared from the lake more than a century ago. Management agencies and conservation groups have made restoring Atlantic salmon in Lake Ontario a top priority. This project will investigate two key factors that may affect the success of these programs – a high thiamine diet from exotic prey species and warming water temperatures due to climate change.…

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Evaluating Microbial Nutrient Sediment Dynamics in Lake Erie Watersheds

Evaluating Microbial Nutrient Sediment Dynamics in Lake Erie Watersheds A primary goal of water quality managers is to intercept or mitigate nutrients or pathogens at their source to ensure effective wastewater treatment. Source water treatment includes building onsite treatment systems and implementing agricultural best practice for crops. To ensure mitigation is working, managers often monitor nutrients and pathogens in water.…
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Evaluating stationary hydroacoustics for determining fish movement and abundance

Evaluating stationary acoustics Little is known about the large-scale movement patterns of Great Lakes fishes. Though it is understood that large migrations of fish typically occur along regions of Lake Superior during spawning events, the timing and potential drivers of these events are not well understood. Better understanding the timing and drivers of these events is important for more effective management of these fisheries. ...
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Black Bay Walleye Acoustic Telemetry

Black Bay Walleye Ice Fishing Located on the north shore of Lake Superior, Black Bay historically supported a robust commercial and recreational fishery for walleye (Sander vitreus). Unfortunately, the walleye population rapidly declined in the 1960s because of a combination of habitat loss and commercial over-fishing. In response, managers closed the fishery in the northern part of Black Bay to allow the population to recover. ...
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    Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research
    University of Windsor
    2990 Riverside Drive West
    Windsor, Ontario, N9C 1A2