The Real-Time Aquatic Ecosystem Observation Network (RAEON) provides the infrastructure, staff and data management that Canadian researchers need to carry out cutting-edge, integrated and transformative research on the Great Lakes. A partner of Global Water Futures Observatories (GWFO), RAEON improves understanding of the mechanisms and processes of large lake ecosystems and contributes to the management, rehabilitation and enhancement of their ecosystem services.
Following the leadership of The University of Windsor, RAEON is equally committed to ensuring that researchers involved in the network are provided with an equitable, diverse, and inclusive (EDI) environment.
Students dive into robotics and research at RAEON
December 20, 2024
University of Windsor A group of high school students took a deeper look at the mechanics of underwater gliders during a visit to RAEON (Real-Time Aquatic Ecosystem Observation Network) earlier this month, gaining hands-on experience with the high-tech devices used to monitor the Great Lakes ecosystems. About 21 students from Assumption College Catholic High School’s ...
Toxic algae is invading Canada’s lakes. This early warning system could help
October 17, 2024
Toxic blue-green algae blooms are invading Canada’s lakes, threatening drinking water supplies, beaches and aquatic life. CBC News met the scientists using high-tech sensors to set up an early warning system to better manage the blooms.
Toxic algal blooms threaten Canadian drinking water, but scientists are developing a way to protect against the harmful slime.
October 16, 2024
From a boat on Lake Erie, scientists have launched what they hope will soon be an early warning system to protect locals from a threat lurking in the water.
UWindsor celebrates launch of Canada’s premier freshwater observation network
April 18, 2024
By Aaron Mahoney | AM800 The University of Windsor, along with eight other universities in Ontario, is joining with the University of Saskatchewan for a pioneering initiative to create a freshwater observation network in Canada. On Wednesday afternoon, the University of Windsor celebrated the national launch of the Global Water Futures Observatories (GWFO), which is supported ...
Great Lakes Data

Equipment Availability & Data Sharing
List of available RAEON equipment + equipment loan & data sharing forms.
RAEON Projects

Investigating shoreline change in the Great Lakes & the Smart Beach project
RAEON has supported several projects related to shoreline change in the Great Lakes, including a study using artificial vegetation to protect shorelines by reducing the…

Acoustic telemetry range-testing using Slocum gliders in Lake Huron
RAEON, in partnership with the US Geological Survey, is range testing a novel mobile platform to improve glider-based acoustic telemetry studies. Scientists use acoustic telemetry…

Hydrological process control on organic carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes from wetland in agricultural landscapes
Canada’s GHG reductions and carbon offsets to prevent warming beyond 1.5 °C need to be reported internationally in order to be recognized in global negotiations…

Real-Time Data Collection to Help Protect Drinking Water Sources
This project will help scientists better understand and predict the development of harmful algal blooms (HABs) using real-time data. The project team will deploy real-time continuous…

Scientists Studying Seasonal Fish Habitat Use and Production in Inland Lakes
Novel methods will yield rich data to improve resource protection Freshwater fish are an important economic and cultural resource to Canadians. Recent research indicates, however,…

Investigating nearshore and offshore patterns of thermocline and deep chlorophyll maxima formation in Lake Ontario
Continuous monitoring will provide data needed to help protect ecosystems Scientists deployed an autonomous underwater vehicle to continuously collect high-resolution spatial and temporal data in…

Tracking more than 30 years of phytoplankton blooms in Lake Winnipeg
Lake Winnipeg —one of North America’s Great Lakes — recently has been labeled one of the most threatened lakes in the world because of increased…

The effect of different nitrogenous compounds on cyanobacteria physiology and toxin production
Intensive agricultural lands feed into Canada’s Great Lakes. The primary type of nitrogen used in agriculture has changed over time, shifting from organic to inorganic…

Understanding the distribution and presence of different cyanotoxins in Ontario waters
Cyanobacteria, algae that form on the surface of nutrient-rich waters, can produce an array of toxins. Accurately measuring these toxins in waterbodies is crucial because…

Atlantic salmon restoration in Lake Ontario
Atlantic salmon were historically abundant in Lake Ontario, but their populations disappeared from the lake more than a century ago. Management agencies and conservation groups…